Well Christmas was pretty good. We got our kids a Wii as their "main" gift. I had full intentions of not going overboard with "things"...but I did. In some ways I regret it...but there's always next year to hold back a little or a lot depending on things.
I missed spending time with family...thats what is so hard about Christmas. Its time for family and when you don't have any around...it gets to be quite lonely. Thankfully we have eachother (the four of us).
We've recieved a ton of snow in the past week and a bit. Its been quite nice.
I'm not lovin my job. I'm realizing that I hate the day shift and twelve hour shifts really mess me up. Its been really slow lately. At one point there were no women in the house at all. I worked christmas day night and there was only one lady staying there. I don't mind the night shift...I can do my own thing and watch TV if I choose to. I have some work to do...but not a lot! The day shift I find harder, especially if there is no one in the house and no other staff around. I worked the other day and read 300 pages of a 400 page book. I came home and finished the book! Crazy! Ya, its easy money...but its boring. I feel for these women...but I don't know what to say to them. I find it frustrating when you here that they get themselves into the same situations time and time again...over and over. I know its a cycle...and I know its hard to get out of abusive situations. Its just not what I thought it would be...my heart is not in it unfortunately. I'm also not working that much anyways. I'm finding being on call very difficult. If I'm asked to take a shift for a day down the road, no problem...but getting asked to take a shift the next day I really can't stand. I've applied for a part time position...but we'll see what happens. If I don't get it, then I may just reapply at the seniors place out here. Ya, I'm still on call, but they're eight hour shifts and they usually ask you in advance and give you a "set" of shifts. Who knows if they'll even have me back. I had gone and asked them for my job back before I got my current job and they said no...not at that time. They wanted to see me prove my commitment either through another job or by volunteering. Well I have another job now...so we'll see. I dunno.
There's a lot on my mind these days...so much that I'd love to share, but know that I can't. There would be too much judgement and opinions thrown my way that I'd want to run and hide. Just something else that I need to get through without the whole world knowing.
Well once again...an upbeat post! haha!
I hope you all have a wonderful 2009!