Friday, October 24, 2008


Ok...I was reading a few blogs tonight and one of my blogger buddies mentioned how she had gone for a walk in the woods...just her and God...she didn't even bring along her camera to take pics. While she was explaining some of her time with Him...she said..."it is always ok to just crawl into Daddy's lap and rest". I just burst into tears when I read that!! Lately I have been so tired...not just physically...but emotionally. When I'm like this I tend to think the worst about everything...and I mean everything. I'm trying so hard to just rely on God, to trust in God...but somedays its just so hard. I know that He is there...but I try so hard to fix things or to do things on my own. I think I need to do more resting in His arms than I need to do resting in my own bed!! Do you know what I mean? He is the only one who is going to get me through timing is obviously not his timing. I have been such a wreck since I quit those jobs...but I know that those jobs don't define who I am! I haven't stopped thinking about them...I don't think a day goes by that that moment in my life is not replaying itself over and over in my head. I'm realizing though that its ok to have down times...times where you just need to take a break from everything and everyone...those that care will understand...those that don't...well, whatever!! I don't like to be such a when I realize that I am being one...I tend to hide out for a while...cause I just get tired of it all. Thankfully God never tires of hearing us call out for His help! For that I am grateful. So for now, I will rest in His arms...and when the time is right...I will be ready to get a move on!

1 comment:

Nin said...

you do not need to real, be where you're at.
"come to me, all who are weary, and I will give you rest..."
not, stop being weary you sill dope!
not, if you are weary too long I will eventually stop being there for you....
but no, He says, come to me..... I will give you rest.
I need to hear this for myself as well.
Bless you as you rest in HIM.

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