Tuesday, June 19, 2007


Well I'm in a conundrum (sp?) I no longer know what to do with my life once my kids are in school. I got my letter today saying that they "may" start the LPN program in Jan 2009..."may"...not very encouraging. I was told that I could take the home support careworker course, its only six months...but really, I don't know if I want to do that. My mom and my sister did that for years...it pays well enough, but I don't know! I was also told that I could take the BScN course...its four years...I don't think I could do that...actually I'm pretty sure I couldn't. Plus I don't really want to go for four years!! So I'm feeling a bit stuck. I mean, there's no rush...but I've been home for 10 years now...which have been good years...but I need to get out of this bubble and into the real world a bit. I had thought about taking the Special Needs Education Assistant course last summer...but they didn't have a start date for it out here yet. It ended up starting this past January...so I'm thinking that the next intake would be this Jan. Its 16months long, in the evenings and on weekends...which would be totally ideal for me! Then when I did work, I'd only have to work when my kids are in school. We'd have the same holidays and everything...which would be very ideal. So I don't know. Maybe with all that has happened, this is what God is pointing me towards...if it all was a bit more clear! Maybe I need to just not worry about it either...who knows! But its an option...the only thing that would suck...is that the courses that I'm upgrading in...are not pre-requisites for the Special Needs Educational Assistant course...nope, they want English 12...which I have...but I'm not sure about my final grade in it... AHHHHHH!!!!

I just have to keep remembering...God never gives us more than we can handle. Actually, I find it kind of funny how things have turned out...my life is His, not my own...so why should it go as I have it planned to go...He's got my life planned all out, He knows my future...I just wish He'd let me in on the plans a little bit more...haha! Have a great day everyone!


Carin said...

You know what someone told me once... they told me to look at 'my future' with this in mind...
God created us and designed us with specific inclinations and passions, likes and dislikes... we are his children - so when we try to understand what his will is for our future we should look at it as 'what would you say to your kids?'
made me think... hmm...
so does it really matter when you send your kids out to play whether they play hide n seek or tag? no, as long as they are safe-right? So its the same for us... whatever we choose to do (we are created in the likeness of God - with a will and desires and the ability to make decisions) he will be the proud Papa... as long as we are safe and do whatever we do 'for the glory of God'
*wink... that's what someone told me once... and it has helped me in many decisions...
Love you girl!

Janelle said...

that's a tough decision. yikes. i wish every single day that God just put huge flourescent arrows in front of the paths we are supposed to go down and the doors we are supposed to go through. does He not know that our lives would be sooo much easier that way? :) i'm so proud of you for wanting to go back to school and taking on a challenge like that! i don't think i could do it...but i know you have the determination. i always make tons of lists...even if they don't mean anything or get me anywhere, i always make lists...of pros and cons and what's all involved. you were kinda doing that on your blog - and you've probably been doing that non-stop in your head. you'll make the right decision...and yes, i agree, sometimes we really do have to pay attention to the roadblocks He places in our path...and it just steers us elsewhere that we wouldn't have really considered before! can't wait to hear what you've decided!
many blessings & love!! :)

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