Tuesday, January 1, 2008

A New Year...New Beginnings!

Well hello everyone out there who reads this blog...which doesn't seem to be too many these days if I consider the lack of comments that I get when I do in fact post. Oh well!

Happy new year to you all. I hope you all had a great christmas and are looking forward to what this year will bring into your life.

I have a few things to look forward to. First of all school. I start next week on the 7th...should be an interesting and busy next six months. I'm looking forward to getting out of the house and being busy...I've been a stay at home mom for ten years now...I've loved every minute of it...but its now time to get out and do a few things for me!! I'm also looking forward to maybe getting away for a bit by myself...not sure when or where...but I would enjoy a little trip all by myself...time will tell if that will indeed happen. I'm also looking forward to my favorite artist of all time to release his new album on Feb 12th...oh how I cannot wait...I'm sure I will not be able to get it anywhere for a while as we only have good old Walmart to buy music at around here (as well as the christian book store...but it won't be sold there)...but I will be checking everytime I go there...which is usually a couple of times a week (sad, I know). My mom is having a big birthday this month as well. I wish that I could be in Saskatoon to celebrate it with her...but I don't think that'll happen. I hope that its a wonderful year for her filled with many blessings! I have a good feeling about this year. I'm also looking forward to meeting my friend Jordin in person sometime this year...that'll be part of my little getaway for sure! I think alot of goals will be met this year...goals that I've had for a long time...but just haven't had the time or the energy to get them done.

I've been drawing again...it feels so good! I used to draw alot...especially when I was in school, it was my best subject by far (art). Its so relaxing and its fun to challenge myself. Jason got me some nice paint brushes (good ones...not cheap ones) and some artist quality pencil crayons and yesterday I bought myself some good markers as well. I like to mix things up a bit when it comes to art. Lately I've really enjoyed drawing tattoo type artwork...its fun and anything goes it seems. I'm sure I will expand my ideas as time goes by...but for now I'm just playing around with it and having fun!! Thats what it should always be about!

This year is also going to be about getting into better shape...not only physically, but spiritually as well...I honestly don't think that you can have one without the other. If you exercise and eat right...your mind works better and you just feel better and you can concentrate on not only your relationship with God better, but your family and friends as well. And without God in your life...nothing is possible! So first have God, include him in everything and it will all work out...easier said than done...trust me I know! But worth it in the end!!!

Well I'm not making any definite resolutions for this year...I've never been one for that kind of stuff...but I will try to make some changes and achieve certain goals and I won't beat myself up about them if I slip up or in the end fail...cause life is too short, I'll just do my best and see what happens from there!

Have a great 2008 everyone!!


Christy said...

I am commenting...can you believe it?

Great post!!

Crystal said...

Happy New Year! Sounds like you have some really exciting things on the horizen!
Praying for many blessings for you in the new year!

Tamara said...


I'm almost positive you'll be able to get it on the exact Tuesday it's released..they've always had his other albums there. So no need to wait!

Darci said...

Great post, so cheery and encouraging. I love the paragraph about getting in shape, you totally summed up what I've been thinking about.

Amber said...

Happy 2008 to you Tanya! Hope your year is filled with much happiness!!

Ej said...

Hope today goes well at school!

Jenny said...

Happy New Year!!!
All the best for 2008!

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