Sunday, February 17, 2008

City and Colour!

Well what can I say....I do not like the album cover (his friend painted it for him..but still, its kind of creepy!)...but what is behind the cover is AWESOME!!!!! Walmart actually had it in on the release date February 12th (you were right Tamara). Its quite different from his last album...more instruments (banjo, harmonica, etc.) and some background vocals from a few different people. Yes, I mentioned banjo and harmonica...but really, it is very good. If you have never listened to him...he's a bit folky, alternative rock...sorta...not sure how to pinpoint him...he's just good! I must admit that most of the songs are a bit on the sad side...but I've talked with my friend/his sister and she says that he's a very happy thats good! I mean they're not depressing...but they're not cheery either. Guess you just have to hear it to know what I mean. I saw in an interview that someone told him that he writes sad songs that sound happy. Either way...I love his music and his voice...I can sing to it, which I like!!!

Thats my post!

(the pic on the right is the album cover obviously...the one on the left is much nicer, don't ya think?)


Christy said...

Not a fan of the cover either!

Jenny said...

Yeah...kind of creepy is right!LOL
Glad you're enjoying the cd!

Tamara said...

I think I would ditch the friend who drew the album cover..but I like to think maybe he's a struggling artist and Dallas felt really sorry for him so he though he'd give him a shot at fame? That's what I would do lol

Connie said...

yup. creepy. oh well. :)

Janelle said...

i was watching him on tv the other day - cause like you, i adore him...but i realized something very interesting...he sure looks a LOT like Jason. wow. no wonder you're so attracted to him!! :) :)

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