Thursday, January 31, 2008

Longtime No See!

Hey everyone who is still checking this blog of mine out!

Well alot of people have been asking me how things are going. Today...I can say they are going good! Yesterday...oh man...not good at all. I swear I was ready to throw in the towel! I had a written and a practical exam today and I was so stressed!!! Not because I didn't know what I was because yesterday when I was practicing for my practical (transfering patients from bed to wheelchair, vice versa) I saw some people doing things that we hadn't been shown by the instructors. So then I started to panic. For our test we had to "draw" our scenario out and perform that certain type of transfer in front of an instructor. I was just really ticked that some people had been shown a different way of doing a specific transfer and that some of us hadn't seen it. The reason this happened is because there are 24 of us, we do our "practical" stuff in two different rooms and there are usually only 2 instructors for that part of the course. Last time we were able to practice...we only had one instructor and thats when she showed some of the students this other way of doing things. Soooooo...this morning the instructors showed us some examples before we got tested...just to make sure everyone was on the same page. Its very frustrating some days...being at school. You think you're doing something right, then you see something different, or someone tells you different...other than an instructor, so you start second guessing yourself!!! Yes...there are some "know it alls" in my class...oh man, let me tell you, somedays its a test of patience for me...not to give them a piece of my mind or to just tell them to shut up!!! Oh takes all kinds to make this world go round!

So I have some quiet time tonight...something that I have been lacking. Now don't get me wrong, I love my family...but I am "peopled" out. Being surrounded by 24 people for atleast 7 hours a day takes its toll on me. I do love people...but I can only take so much before I am overwhelmed and need some "me" time. Our classes are very discussion based sitting there saying nothing like some courses out there. So there is always someone talking or talking to you. I do enjoy it...but I do miss my "me" time. So once again I am missing cell (caregroup)...not because I want to...but because I'm taking some much needed "no people" time. Jason took the kids because its an appy night and they need to get out and socialize too and have some fun. I also decided to stay home because I have another big test...probably my biggest yet on monday. I want to start studying now so I can relax for a bit on the weekend, rather than cramming like crazy! Oh the joys of being a student and a family all at the same time. Seriously...its not easy...but I know in the end it'll be worth it.

Thats about it...I hope you're all doing fine out there! Thanks for your encouraging words and hopefully it won't be so long before I post again!


Annie said...

Just keep thinking of the people you are going to bless with your new career!!

Jenny said...

Keep on plugging away!! It's hard being around know it alls,nothing more irritating!
Just think one more day until the weekend. I bet you can't wait!
BTW, love your little comment button!! Priceless!!

Tamara said...

I must say I love your new colours!

These 6 months will fly by so fast you won't know what hit you!

jenivere said...

I so admire what you're doing! Enjoy your alone time, and hang in there. Oh, and indulge in some chocolate therapy :)

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